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RE: The (not) rocket man and rocket girl

I'm feeling a little hurt that you see the rocket as somehow, un-manly. Arugula is the only reason I eat salads. When I was first introduced to this luscious leaf several years ago, I was outraged that nobody had shared it with me sooner. I would have been eating salads my whole life I had known that somebody made lettuce that was spicy.

I grow my own now, and let me tell you what, that stuff wil put hair on your chest, clear your sinuses, attract the perfect mate, and cause your peers to envy your pain tolerance. Mixed with wild mustard greens, this stuff can make a salad that dressing will only ruin.

I don't seek to change your opinion, though I can't help but wonder, are you certain someone didn't feed you kale and just tell you it was rocket?


Kale is even more heinous than rocket in my opinion...I guess it's like anything, some like stuff that others don't. I mean people love balut but it's not something you'll ever catch me eating it. Google will demonstrate what it is if you do not know.

I also don't like my hot food touching my cold food on a plate so...maybe I'm just weird.

Don't read too much into it mate, just a blog is all.