Thoughts on an Incendiary Nature, Poetry, Blog and Digital Art

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Your Incendiary Nature

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hard-core aliens
microscopic invaders
occidental exotic
high-yield atomic warheads
brash and vicious
an ambush to the bridge
of the springtime voyeur

evacuate the tube

exploding solar
saffron spikes
stars and spice

flush out

get carried on the wind
to a heady, but base demise
call it karmic retribution
for your incendiary nature


Nature is blooming and blasting. Youthful petals lure in the inquisitive nose and admiring eye; whilst microscopic bundles of sharp vegetative reproductive matter covertly enter and overwhelm a curious but overly cautious mammalian respiratory system. Bring on the sniffles; let loose the watery orbs; strike up the cacophony of a little cough.

The body insists, "It is better to be a little sick than sorry."

Hmmm ... is it, really?

Winter hasn't yet given up its grip on things and the contagions hold onto its icy knuckles.

"But it's just allergies," the wrongly-accused defend."

Hmm ... is it, really?

Soon the late-spring sun says no more ... it WILL say NO MORE ... no matter what profess the doomsday soap box prophets or political, predatory sheep herders.

Hibernate a little longer, stay safe, and flatten that viral hill; keep to a short horizon ... for a time, not forever. Always be kind; be rational ... but don't whatever you do ... open up and say BAH.

Don't be afraid. Every season passes.

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All words and images are my own.

Your Incendiary Nature was originally conceived during the 100 Days of Poetry on Steem and is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. Click on any images below for more.








but don't whatever you do ... open up and say BAH.

Hahaha. This made me laugh.

I was in a grocery store earlier this week and had to sneeze. I was actually concerned about the reaction it'd cause. Thankfully it never happened, and chaos did not need to ensue.

I had a similar experience and ended up sneezing into my sleeve. Super muscular guy wearing a surgical mask literally ran away. People R so scared. It's funny but it's sad.


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❤ MWAH!!! ❤

Power House Creatives _night mode.png




Lets hope it passes sooner than many predict.

I think it will or perhaps we will find a better way to manage it.

Hahaha.. I LOVE IT!!

"But it's just allergies," the wrongly-accused defend."

This is me. Been popping allergy pills for a month or two now and I am afraid to cough. At least it's not a dry cough. I've gotten pretty good at suppressing them 😆 😜 😄

Haha ... I feel your pain. It has been about a month for me.