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RE: My First Hive Post | What it means to be in quarantine in Venezuela


People are over-reacting. WAY over-reacting.

In any event, do you remember "Katie's research" that got her $72,000 in university scholarships? We can use it here if need be.

Do you have access to Curcumin?

It's an extract from the spice Turmeric. Among other things, Curcumin is a broad-spectrum anti-viral. It is also anti-inflammatory and suppresses Interleukin-6 and other immune-related chemicals that result in "cytokine storms" which is what is actually killing people. Taking Curcumin pills, though, is useless as alkalinity (small intestine) destroys it. It is also 99.9% water insoluble (making it hard to absorb through the intestines) and what little does get absorbed is immediately destroyed by the liver.

But there are a couple of workarounds (the one Katie has been using requires lab equipment so I'll stick to things you could do in your kitchen).

  1. The easiest would be to dissolve Curcumin in DMSO and absorb it sublingually (under your tongue) and buccally (through your inner cheeks). The DMSO is a potent penetration enhancer. Access to DMSO in Venezuela, though, is doubtful.
  2. The next easiest would be to dissolve the Curcumin in oil (olive, vegetable, etc.) and again absorb it sublingually (under your tongue) and buccally (through your inner cheeks). BUT you will need a penetration enhancer to take the place of DMSO. D-Limonene would do the trick (it's actually what Katie uses most frequently). D-Limonene is the chemical that makes citrus fruit smell like ... citrus. It's found in the peels of oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits. Venezuela has a ton of citrus trees, right? If you can't buy it (it's an oily substance that is normally sold in gel-caps) let me know and I'll provide instructions on how to extract it from citrus peels yourself (it will require that we cobble together a homemade steam distillation device).



That sounds fascinating, Quill. Since getting DMSO here will most likely be impossible, I guess option 2 would be worth trying