Breaking news: there is hope for the people that are living with HIV/AIDS

Yes, there is hope for the people that are living with HIV/AIDS because you do not need to be depressed when there is solution to the identified problem, let me tell you that it is good to know your status on time to enable you know how to take care of yourself. The drugs are free throughout the world, although antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs are allowing millions of HIV positive people to live normal lives, once you adhere to the do and don't of the drugs that means there is no cause for alarm.

During counselling session

This is during testing session with my client

However, the following things are very important besause being HIV positive does not mean you cannot conceive again , and also it does not mean you cannot give birth to non-reactive child since the day you were got enrolled into care health personnel/case manager might have informed you during the counselling session that immediately you deliver baby before breastfeeding you must give your baby Nevirapine drug which will serve as first aid, thereafter you can apply breastfeeding and breastfeeding is good for the new baby for quick development and sound health.
Note: you should not breastfeed your baby more than 12 Months in order to protect the baby from this virus. And you must bring your baby for DBS test that is dry blood spot after six (6) weeks in order to check whether baby positive or not because of antibody of the mother.
These are the ways in which one can be infected with the virus such as: through sharing of sharp object being used by infected partner, having unprotected sex with infected partners, mother to child transmission, unscreen blood transfusion. And people cannot be infected through holding hands, eating food together in the same plate, sleeping together on the same bed, sharing of bathroom and toilet with the infected partner. Meanwhile, our attitude towards them will determine their hope and ability to live long.
Furthermore, Hope can be a powerful positive force in the lives of people living with HIV, not only on a personal level by encouraging them to plan for the future, but also at a societal level by spurring treatment adherence and thwarting transmission of the virus.
"Without appropriate interventions to address mental health comorbidities, people living with HIV may continue to have poor quality of life despite increased access to ARVs globally".
Hope is in three ways - involving emotions, cognitive approaches, and coping or normalization. I described joy as an emotion of happiness, security and relief. On the cognitive front, hope was equated with positive thoughts of a good future and long life. Meanwhile, on the theme of coping and normalization, hope indicated acceptance of HIV-positive status, and willingness to seek and adhere to medical care and contemplate future plans.

Hope levels were high in patients who had been ill and then improved upon taking antiretrovirals, as well as in those who learned that treatment offered the prospect of longevity and a normal lifestyle.
Therefore, you must have positive thinking not to arm yourself because is not the end of life, Eat good food, taking your ARVs drugs as at when due, and especially by eating fruits always in order to boost your immunity, I assure you long live and sound health.

Best regards and many thanks to my friends who are supporting my blog @raymondpeter