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RE: One2Three4 - my Five for #thriveonhive by @redheadpei

"to be here with you all is more important for me than to know how it works, as long as it works."

I totally agreed Johann. 😉

Today was another 30C day but cooled down this evening. I hope Thor’s Day went well and Friday turns out beautifully dear Johann.😊


Good morning Jo,

our temperatures have been very nice in the past few days - about 15C in the morning and up to about 25 during the day, but the weekend is going to be very hot again. I hope it will not be too hot, because I'm working on Sunday and we haven't got air condition.

The Autumn is coming - the lake is foggy in the morning and the mist stays quite a while.

Yes, Thor's day went fine - I made a nice ride around town and the lake in the evening, but then I had quite some stress to reply to all the comments - I hate the Hive 🤣 🤣 🤣 ... oh no, I love it anyway lol

Since I'm working on Sunday I'll finish today a bit earlier if no urgent work comes in.
I hope your day turns out not too hot and you have a beautiful day, dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

Good afternoon Johann. Since you mentioned Autumn, I don’t seem to mind the heat so much 😃

Once August is over I don’t like to think of Autumn coming around. September is always beautiful here but then I know the next season will be cold for a few months.

I’m glad you had a nice Thor’s Day, You are great at replying to comments and very generous.

We are having about the same weather as you today.

Take care and have a lovely weekend dear Johann. 🤗

Here’s a cool !Beer to relax and not get stressed.

Good afternoon dear Jo,

I know what you mean, and I don't like the cold neither, if there's no snow in the valleys like in the past years. I there's snow I love it as long as everything's white 😁

But with Autumn I meant September and October anyway, with nice warm days and foggy mornings 😉

It has become quite hot in the afternoon - I am pretty sure that the weather forecast is right for the weekend and we will get over 30 C again.

I wish you a great weekend too, dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

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