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RE: Memories of the Past World...

I think my daughter wanted to go to a Disney On Ice thing, but we still haven't gotten around to it. It's been quite a while since we've been to anything like that, the last thing we went to was The Lion King Broadway a hundred million years ago which was also pretty epic XD

Maybe the skaters were just mouthing along because they either like the songs or are so used to hearing it? XD or maybe the choreographers thought it might look better if they looked like they were singing? o_O

Still bunkered down over there?


I remember seeing the Lion King musical in Sydney so many years ago... it was pretty spectacular!

Still bunkered down in Netherlands... I think Europe is going to be a weird place for quite some time. Although, in The Netherlands they are taking it a little less seriously than other countries...that said, 13,000 infections in the last week are starting to turn heads. Plus, the ICUs are starting report that it is going to get a bit busy....

Hope you guys are all good in Australia!

Everything is fine on my side. Other side is doing it a bit tough but in typical fashion they act like they're the entirety of Australia ;D