D is for Demolition

Hi to the #Hive!

another day of destruction for which I am now getting an appetite for. No apologies for the pun as i saw them on their first tour at 16 years old and even met them at the hard rock night club I worked at illegally as I was under age. Any questions about what or who I'm talking about feel free to message me as I love the engagement on here its very refreshing and healthy for our #hive platform.


We continue to remove the structures from the easement zone. It doesn't matter what we believe or agree with in many ways as I see it as inevitable. I believe the measurements are not correct but for the most part they are so i am focusing on the stuff is actually got to go.


We are getting there and I am very excited about making this area more natural than it used to be and seeing if a sandy beach is possible here once again.


We have made great progress today and the crew should be proud of what we accomplised today with what we had at our disposal.
But the next phase. Oh my god. The bar removal. These seats we have sat in for years and bantered and drank and laughed. That really will be tough. I sit in these seats tonight typing this wondering how i will feel. It has to happen. We must just create better laughs, different stories, more memories in the new place. Thats life. it really is and change will happen no matter what.

We move on.

Thank you for reading this meandering waffle.

Stay safe people
