
It is nice to deliver something people spend a little energy thinking about. :)

exactly. When someone comments on something I've posted it's somehow satisfying to know they read it, digested it, thought about it and then commented about it. So it's had some sort of impact. Your poem kind of completed my morning coffee time very nively. I'd just done my morning coffee post and then saw that on my following feed. perfect. Now at work in a nice frame of mind

Now at work in a nice frame of mind

I wonder what the difference would be for a career if with all other things remaining equal, a person had a nice frame of mind on average or a bad.

depends on the career I reckon. Corporate business is ruthless and being bad minded seems to be rewarded. I've found in my trade being in a cool state of mind means I keep a great vibe in the dive shop and the guests either come back all the time because of it or tell their friends to come see us. For me its key to how I choose to do things at the shop. I have to pretend less and can be way more natural and have more energy to give

Corporate business is ruthless and being bad minded seems to be rewarded.

Bad behavior, but perhaps a positive mind for bad behavior would help make the behavior worse :D

For you for sure, an easy going nature and friendly disposition is a huge plus. Can you imagine a first time diver coming in and meeting with a neurotic and tense instructor?

I have a few dive instructor friends back in Cairns and they all seem to have a similar "beach attitude"

I like people in my dive shop to feel right at home. I border line abuse the regulars cos they love it as it makes them feel comfortable as its how friends are with each other. It's worked for me very well. Be as natuaral as possible and pay attention to people as people. It's what I want when i go places

I border line abuse the regulars cos they love it as it makes them feel comfortable as its how friends are with each other.

This is how I do it at work too. Build a relationship until friends enough to tease each other about anything. I start teasing well before most others - but they learn fast.

It's what I want when i go places

Be the change :D


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