Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning at the Dive Shop

My morning ritual continues but this time I'm doing my morning coffee post from the dive shop. It's a nice cool morning due to cloud coverage so in a bit earlier, just me and Danny so far.Armed with a good half litre of Ethiopian black #coffee and am ready to get the day started.

This corner section is almost ripped out with just the backfill and the wall to come down. It's high tide around 2pm so we should start to the the water reclaim some of this area. I want to watch what it does for a while before we rip out the other side.


I will concentrate on getting the new beach bar completed and then dismantling the one you see below with the stools in front of it. It will be sad to see it go as we have had some great times at this bar in the last 6 years but i am determined to replace it with something better and certainly better use of the space.


Hmmm It's still only Danny here, where is everyone?


Ah ha, here they come.


Ok more coffee and lets see if we can get this section done today. I am keen to timelapse the tide coming in and make plans for the rest of the area.


Thanks for stopping by to see our progress and reading my random ramblings. This project will look amazing when finished and used by our guests. Feeling positive.

Until next time, stay safe out there people
