Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning Ramble- Don't forget Lessons Learned

Good morning all you hivers


this morning I am feeling the necessity to get back to doing some of the things I was doing during the Enhanced Community Quarantine. During that time I committed myself to studying Japanese daily, push ups, kettle bells and punch bag and doing a daily video. Since we have gone to General community quarantine and now Modified General Community Quarantine I have lapsed back into old habits and neglected both my studies and exercise.

As much as I can't really structure my day around those activities as I did during that period I do need to find a way to blend what I am now doing daily with what I was doing to enrich myself personally. This is the task I am setting myself today so that from tomorrow I will be implementing it in some form or another.

Now the reason I set myself the daily video post in quarantine was to hold myself accountable as if I had not done anything I would have nothing to film, edit and post. So I am thinking that as my Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning Ramble is now part of my daily routine maybe I can somehow weave it into this and use it as a form of accountability also. So tomorrow it's entirely possible I will be including mentions/ photos of these activities in my Ramble. Lets see how that goes.

I just don't want to lose the personal gains made during that period and forget the life lessons I learned while accomplishing those things. It's so easy to slip back into old habits which is what I can feel myself doing and what I said at the time I would not do. Time to hold myself accountable as there's nobody else to do it.
Now tomorrow if there's no mention of exercise or Japanese being done I expect you to call me out on it and say hey! @scubahead what the f&%k! You said ...


Please take care of yourselves out there people wherever you may be on this planet of ours




Ah - you have discovered one of the secrets of a great daily blog habit - accountability!! 😍 So many learnings from the intensive stage 4 quarantine that we need to hold on to, and integrate!!!

Wish you an awesome Thursday - my wilted mermaid self asks that you have a little dip foe me. 😆 Beach time seems a lifetime ago!

will dip my toe in for you :)