Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning Ramble-Must Stay Positive- Trash Clear up

Good Morning Hivelanders!

I've decided after several days of struggling to feel positive with one set back after another and the weather taking a turn, to just get a positive head on and tackle today head on. #coffee a plenty will give me some good energy also.

The change in weather brought on by the southwest monsoon season starting to kick in has brought with it lots of trash that;s been floating around out there. Where we are is a bit of a natural recepticle for it at this time of year
So I think I am going to divert a lot of manpower today to getting the coast cleared up. We tend to do it daily as part of our everyday duty of care but when it comes in like this we have to really hit it head on.

I've already spoken to several other Dive Shop Managers and we ( mostly) seem to be on the same wavelength and are all ( well nearly all) going to put alot of effort into it today. It will be rolling in for days now so it will be a big part of our days for the next week or so.

It's a real shame. Such a beautiful place blighted by peoples careless attitudes to waste disposal. Basically the idea that out of sight is out of mind seems to be what people think or someone elses problem. But this is everyones problem and if people don't start to realise that then it's going to be bad for everyone.

So I'm on it this morning. Positive and going to get something done about it!

Thanks for stopping by to read my morning ramble

Stay safe
