Good morning everyone on this platform , I will like you to give me some of your time so as to enjoy this write up
We saw what you did last year and wondered how you could have achieved this much?


DADDY you are the head of your family, the entire administration of your house is upon you. This is a new year, what's your resolve? Have you resolved to rededicate your family to God this year. Have you resolved to reconcile with your neighbors in order to lay a good foundation for your children this year? Or have you resolved to kill him out rightly? Sending your children to attach him? Have you resolved to get administration for your son by all means this year? Even when he is not qualified? Have you resolved to even aid him to fake result in order to get in ? Have you resolved to Brandon your home year for that concubine out there? Or have you resolved to bea loving father to your children and a caring husband to your wife, respecting the matrimonial vows you took no matter how long ago?

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MUMMY, what's your resolve? Have you resolved to be a virtuous woman this year? Have you resolved to be more dedicated to your family and bring up your children in accordance with the precept of the Bible? Have you resolved to cut off that extramarital relationship you're keeping with that man because it's injurious to your family? Or have you resolved to be more unfaithful to your marital vows because of your unsatisfactory lust for materials things? Have you resolved to show gross disrespect and disregard to your husband this year because e has lost t job, and you are the now the bread winner of the family? Or you have resolved to come back home to be that mother and wife whom your family will cherish?

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COMPUS GUY / BOY you're back to school welcome, but what's your resolved? Have you resolved to lay down arms and face your studies squarely? Or have resolved to neck deep in crime this year? Have you resolved to device other methods of exams malpractice so as to pass examination? Have you resolved to restore the lost glory of your family by getting serious for once? Or you have resolved to do anything ranging from snatching of handsets to arned robbery, all in the name of "runs" in order to meet as a "happening guy" and "larger boy"?? Have you resolved to get closer to God this year and ask him for forgiveness? Or you have resolved to be sharper " bush man", running from one forest to another and staining your hands with more human blood all in the name of "catching your fun" and being "system man"? What's your resolved?

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CAMPUS BABES OR GIRLS you are looking very beautiful and attractive these days oh. Welcome and compliment of the season. What's your resolved? Have you resolved to reconsider your position as the daughter of parents expect to be proud of? Or have you resolved to do anything to make sure you get money to remind in the list of "happening babes" in town which includes sleeping with anything that can pay? And provide those things you need, going almost half naked in the name of fashion? Or have you resolved to attend every beach party in town, club to the fullest this year and catch your fun with a high level of promiscuity, abandoning your books, only with the intention of "sorting" with your body? Or have you resolved to get a l phone by all means irrespective of your learn financial status just because your room mate has acquired one? What's your resolved?

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BUSINESSMEN chief executive, managing director, employee of labours, l appreciate your efforts towards helping reduce unemployment in your own little way. Have you resolved to do honest and genuine business without cheating this year? Or your have resolved to continue with that shamely deal, trading in human heads , child trafficking, ( o b t) obtaining by tricks, bunkering, drugs and indeed all manners of illegal deals which you know and do?
What's your resolve? Have you resolved to employ new staff this year when you sacked other for no just cause/ have you resolved to demand cheap labours, ask people to work for and you don't pay despite the huge profit you make? Or have you resolved to compensate the hard work put in by your staff this? What's your resolved? Have you resolved to undo your counterpart this year so that you will be the only cock to crow?