31 Days of October - Day 10

Today was a day of heading out! It was a beautiful Saturday and we decided to head northward into beautiful Lancaster County. Why Lancaster County? Well, not only is it immediately beside me, but the Amish farms there have dirt cheap pumpkins.


No, I did not buy all those pumpkins, but I definitely wanted to. Pumpkins offer so many possibilities: one can carve them, and create a jack-o-lantern. They can be stacked into an orange, autumn themed pumpkin-man. They can be baked, pureed, and turned into a number of edible goodies, such as pies, soups, stews, and cookies. They can be thrown at people who piss you off.

So I bought a few instead.


Yes, that's the trunk of my car. I shall soon be baking pumpkin.

I did not, however, buy this pumpkin. It looked like it had otherwise already been accounted for by a similarly Halloween-centric being..


(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. I dabble a little in a lot. General all around problem-solver and creative type.

Founder of Photo 52 weekly photography competition.

Expert generalist. Jack of all Trades.


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