
It's a little late to still be celebrating Halloween. It's also a little early to be celebrating Christmas. However, in the spirit of the year and the phrase that defines it - "fuck it" - I have decided that, well, fuck it, I can celebrate both of my favourite holiday's at the same time. I need some cheer and, fuck it (it's a theme now), I'm going to give myself some cheer.

I present to you: Christmas-ween.


Jack Skellington isn't the only skeleton that can appreciate both Halloween and Christmas. Far be it from me to elbow my way in front of him (he is the Pumpkin King, after all), I feel I can celebrate with him and we can both be the better for it.


Doesn't that look cozy? All that dude needs now is a hot chocolate. Or a scotch. It'll need to be hot chocolate, because I drank the scotch.

I actually think he's getting ready to tell a story.


One of my favourite stores in the world is Five Below where (most) everything is $5 or below. They have these awesome white tree's. For $5 (US. With the exchange it might return to $23.98 Canadian. And I'm thinking of moving back). I think Jack supports my decision to purchase.


I did end up cleaning and putting away the outdoor Halloween decorations, with one exception; this poor fellow. I looked at him and felt he needed some cheer for all he has been through. So I gave him some Christmas cheer. I think he's going to stay out until the New Year.


Back in 2014 my boys and I put together a Scary Christmas video. I guess this isn't the first time I've thought of this.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. I dabble a little in a lot. General all around problem-solver and creative type.

Founder of Photo 52 weekly photography competition.

Expert generalist. Jack of all Trades.


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Manually curated by blacklux 💡Hurricane Rider 🌪 from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Love it. We call it Tweenmas in this house:)

Oooh, Tweenmas! I do like that, too! I hope you're also celebrating. 😃

A little. I am moving this weekend and so packing up. Next week for sure:)

Good luck with the move! Hope all is smooth with that!

That second photo is hauntingly appropriate for this upcoming covid Christmas season.

Hah, yeah, there is something appropriate about it, though I'll admit that I wasn't even thinking of Covid at the time. I just have a bizarre infatuation with skeleton decorations. 😃

Are those Roosevelt's bones? I could go for a good fireside chat😁😅💀

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Oh, that was so danged precious. :)) We celebrate right up until we give in to Christmas. It is called HallowedChristmas. Yes, it is real and we love it.

I love your video. It's pure gold.