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RE: Dear Fifteen Year Old Self: A PowerHouseCreatives Contest

If there's one thing I learned after growing up it's that children aren't at fault for anything other than their own decisions after they've been taught. Shoulda put that in there too! So I guess I need to write a letter to myself from yesterday to put that in the letter... and.. yeah. LOL!

No, I'm certainly not doing anything against my will. I happened to luck into a job in the IT field when I really, desperately needed a job to support an unexpected infant. I ended up being good at it, stayed, was promoted, etc, despite not necessarily enjoying it. Now I'd like a career change, but the golden handcuffs, so to speak, make that really difficult. It's a work in progress. At least it's a goal to aim for!


Kids = innocence; of a purity that ultimately, in most cases, gets lost bit by bit as they age. A few get to hold onto at least some measure of it through adulthood though, and thank goodness! They're our saving grace!

I see. I loved designing and writing software; it's kind of like being a magician at times, and sometimes the praise one gets for some coming up with a neat little function only serves to inflate the ego but generally not the wallet. Someone going out of their way to give me a pat on the back was a signal that I should start thinking about promotion, lol.

I moved into the configuration manager position the last 5 years, so I was doing a lot of administrative work with approving and distributing new software releases, and a lot less coding. I was more an employee of the IT dept. at that point and less an employee of the software dept.

Those golden handcuffs are certainly hard to break. I hope you find a key, but I think you may be on to something on the horizon. The best of luck to you!