
Ah ok, well I'll have to find a good one.

Google is your best friend, so keep on hunting. That said, given how many Mamak places there are, it might not at all be inconvenient to divert from one to the other. It's like trying to find a pub in the UK... So long as there's civilisation around, there's going to be at least one pub for each person alive 😆

Haha, yeah a lot of pubs in England for sure!

You know, the country town I grew up in had a population of well under 10,000 people in the late 1970's, that's in the greater areas too, the small surrounding little places...16 pubs though. Curiously there were more churches than pubs too! Lol.

Haha, we can see now which one is more important, given that there's more pubs than churches in the world 😆. God is great, but not greater than a pint a lager. That said, I wonder how Aussie beer tastes like. I know those Westerners have it light, and our Asian beer is really, very potent. Any can of Tiger in a supermarket here is proof of that. Where do you Aussies sit in this important matter of society?

We can get pretty much any beer here in Australia, not surprising considering how multicultural it is. I'm on the Great Northern lately...Pretty good ice cold.

I don't think I've ever come across proper Aussie beer around here before. I'm guessing you Aussies like it pretty strong then, as this old meme is evident by... 😆

Haha, yeah American beer is a little weaker than ours. I like it though. I'm not really a big drinker. The last time I was drunk was 20 years ago at my 30th. I'm a social drinker and enjoy being that way. I'm pretty sure you can get our beers up there. I'll do some gogglying.