You SHAPE Steem Now

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)


Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

As I looked down upon the community that I so love. A community-led by a loving soul, @jaynie. All I can think about is how, from just being behind my computer seat daily, impact their lives back in a way that is tangible. It could be by feelings, digital objects (steem for instance and holding creative contests), or mentally and anything that will just go into a ripple effect of love.

I always believe when love comes in, darkness shy away. Any sort of negativity and drama that is there to shift my focus will be immediately realigned back to my main goal and objective and I see it happening in my community, #powerhousecreatives. Even though some of us have been going through some personal life trials, health issues and even just life duty calls, the members have taken the time to spread love and positivity around our little homey community every single day. I'm so proud of them for taking up the baton to hustle for this community, their community, their home. Alongside one of the most respected people on Steem, @jaynie, who instantly got back on her keys and lappie to continue her daily hustle after surgery. This lady is one tough cookie and even after the side effects of anesthesia, she still contributes to Steem.

Inside the community of the #powerhousecreatives, we've always been a tight bunch and we aren't afraid to share our feelings with one another like a family would.

'As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.'

But as much as Steem sounded like the perfect platform for me when I first started blogging here, the fact is that it isn't. The structure and terrain of Steem consist of you and I. We are the ones that will SHAPE Steem to where it is going now and the future it will hold for us. We sometimes think that our little post would not give much impact but as you start to dig deep and get your hands in the mud together with many other Steemians in the communities and initiatives that Steem has provided this blockchain for, YOU, MY FRIEND is shaping the future of Steem.

Because the future Steem is dependant on its users, we get 'the good, the bad and the ugly' from all four corners of the world together. You get spammers, hackers, business-minded people, amazing content creators and many more. And to think that you've seen it all. You can never seem to trust much but only from what you've seen from the data available to you, all from the blockchain transparency. But even then, the whole 'decentralized' concept has its pros and cons. Today, I believe not only me but many Steemians on this chain is eager to know what's going to happen next to, Steem and Justin. As the recently purchased and the execution of softfork 22.2, I can tell that everyone is on their toes for Steem. And that is good.

For once, I see witnesses getting united, people though some in disagreement are still in support of the whole main picture, and that is making sure Steem is here to stay. That goes out to a lot of us in communities too. We are definitely here for the long run, I know and have met many dedicated Steemians on this platform and I know that they will not go down without putting up a fight. Even if Steem tokens were to dip to nothing, they would be here till the very last breath, this I can tell you that.

This blockchain isn't just any other blockchain out there, this blockchain consists of many bodies and encompasses real-life stories, experiences, relationships and the thing that holds everyone together, hope and love.

So take this as an encouragement to see Steem as a light at the end of the tunnel, because whatever you do now, shapes Steem for the future.

Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

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Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

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@team-cn 新手村 在晴空万里 开着的士 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem
to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie



What a beautifully wise post @zord189. There is so much truth in this... except for all the stuff you wrote about me hahaha!!!!

Let's hope that everything finds a positive balance and that our ideals come into fruition for this exceptionally unique network to which we have given so much of ourselves.

Love you!

Congratulations @zord189!
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