Cleaning up my poultry deep litter.

in Homesteading4 months ago


Happy Christmas and new year celebration
Hope we all have a peaceful celebration

Cleaning in poultry farming is more important than so many other activities that I engage in for this poultry birds, poultry farmers ought to always keep their poultry farm clean because this is the most important step to keep diseases away from their poultry birds, most poultry disease are as a result of poor hygiene within and around the poultry farm .


Farmers have make a cleaning schedule that they will work with to ensure there is no slip up on that front, poultry birds in deep litter system are most times exposed to diseases that cause farmers to experience huge loss and to prevent that we have to keep the litter clean, we use dust from wood Mills to cover the ground before we put the birds into the farm that way their waste don't stick to the ground and we can easily clean them up, I normally clean and change the wood dust on a regular basis so the birds don't end up picking from their waste and by so doing is going to harm them


To me their waste is also useful in some ways cause as a farmer we use some of this their waste as a manure in growing plants


With this usefulness their waste ended up not been waste


Keeping a clean coop is so very important! glad you are taking this aspect seriously and your chickens look healthy as a result. Best of luck and happy new year!

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