Vegetarian food and natural herbal blend

in Homesteading2 years ago

The end of August is always a cloudy day, and it rained at night during this week, I also had to postpone my work to garden with puddles of rain throughout the garden, I also had to postpone working there this week, seeing the conditions that did not allow me to work as usual.

Medicine can be found in the forest body, the rain has shown a lot of mushrooms for natural medicinal herbs from the forest, today I found many natural vegetarian foods as additional vegetables and can also be used as natural medicine with some mixture of spices.


It's a pity that there are a lot of vegetable seeds that I have prepared my eyes in a puddle of rain, I can't finish my work, maybe I have to postpone it for maybe even a few weeks to prepare the vegetable seed sowing area that has been provided by me several times. the last week.


I think, I will lose a lot of seeds that I have prepared there, it is raining so hard that I have to wait for a good situation for next month. Mushrooms are wild plants, I get a lot of mushrooms for additional vegetables in my cooking at home.


Last week I published a post about natural remedies from orange mushrooms, this white mushroom is also a good medicine for health, such as mild disease or anemia. I picked more from a few piles of wood I found beside the garden.


Excellent growth for natural remedies from forests and bushes, rain conjure up many different mushrooms in the rainy season, so many types of vegetarians that can be cooked at home for a delicious meal and also full of vitamins of course.


Maybe very good for health, I also often cook with a mixture of herbs and some natural herbs to be an excellent medicine for people who have diabetes, I and many people around also use wild mushrooms for natural herbs as different medicines .


The summer and the rainy season actually have two advantages, sometimes the rain makes it difficult for farmers to garden and cultivate crops, but mushrooms grow on several sides which are commonly found in the rainy season.


I failed farming this week but I also found the mushrooms that I needed for months, all for adding vegetables and also partly being processed into natural herbs for medicine and some spice mixes.


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