Our plantain farm, growing , harvesting and eating the fruits .

in Homesteading8 months ago


Plantain is one among the herbal fruits I love to eat😋. Hence we have seized the opportunity to plant it in our compound. The benefit of this is that we get to harvest free plantain at least twice in year. This plants looks like bananas, but are usually larger and tougher with thicker skin than banana.🍌

I have a little garden at my backyard that contains different fruits with this plantain inclusive.


This plant has really been helpful for some morning meals, afternoon snacks and making some Nigerian local meals.

Health benefits of eating plantain.

I have learnt that plantains are good source of antioxidant, including vitamin C and A, they also support the immune function.
Plantain also contains high amount of potassium and is essential for maintaining cell and body fluids that controls your heart rate and blood pressure, this fruit is definitely very good for aged people. And also it helps me with indigestion just like banana. Some of my meals are usually mixed with boiled plantain.

If you have not been having a good plantain intake, I would advise you add it to your meal routine😊.
Plantains should be taken at least twice a week, as it can help with many digestive disorders like I said earlier and lowers your cholesterol as have been taught in some of my biology classes which in turn keeps your heart functioning at it's best.


Different ways we can prepare plantain for consumption.

  • Plantain can be eaten raw when ripe.
  • Unripe plantain can be boiled and eaten.
  • Plantains can be processed into flour, to make “elubo” a Nigerian meal, eaten with soup.
  • It can also be used as another essential ingredient for making home made bread 🍞 or cakes 🍰.
  • And also be used in making chips 😋.

Here are some unripe plantain chips I made from the plantains I got from our farm.



Most definitely, plantains can save your morning, as it is very easy to prepare either ways.
You should consider having it in your garden.


I love me some plantains! Beans, eggs, rice, plantain, fresh goat cheese, and a little spice salsa… yum bums!!

Hmmm😋 seems we are on the same page. Thanks for engaging.

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