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RE: The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Bread Baking Thea-purr

in Homesteading5 months ago

My terrorist is hellbent on getting to each and every window on the east side of the house to watch the birds. Because of the intense cold that moved in last night, they are frantic at the feeders.

My fairy lives against that wall, supposedly protected by the shelf and the prickly plant. Guess who thought he fit on her little table? Well, she didn’t fall, this time…. Sigh…


Your beastie sure is more than a bit like Dennis The Menace lol! That said, I sure am glad the fairy didn't meet her end splatting on the floor. Good luck my friend lol lol!


This weekend the back to back storms slowed him down. But I bet as soon as the weather clears he’ll be back at it.