Chicken Real Talk What's Going On here?!

in Homesteadinglast year

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Do you want to learn how to raise chickens?

Egg prices have skyrocketed and egg factories are mysteriously burning down. Now is the time to get backyard chickens before it is too late!

I am passionate about preparing for the future and I think every family should have chickens, so that is why I created a downloadable with everything you need to raise chickens.

Not sure where to start?

My Raising Backyard Chickens Bundle has got you covered! It has everything you need to confidently and easily raise your own chickens right at home. With step-by-step guides, helpful tips, and all the necessary supplies, it’s the perfect resource for beginners and experienced farmers alike. Get started today and enjoy fresh eggs straight from your backyard with my Raising Backyard Chickens Bundle! Check my bio for a direct page to it!

My chickens give me food, fertilizer, and hours of entertainment.
Most importantly, they help me be self sufficient.
Do you want chickens?

Don’t give up on your dreams. However small or big they may be.
Follow your heart and don’t make excuses. Figure out a way.

Homesteading was my heart’s calling a few years ago.
With anything, start where you are at and discover ways to grow.

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Beautiful birds! !CTP


What's going on with American egg prices? I hear they're crazy!

So called "bird flu"
Mysterious Fires
Feed Causing Chickens To Stop Laying Eggs
Makes you think about what's really going on

Great visit and message to the masses.

I have always wanted to have chickens while the kids were younger so they could learn to raise them and create our own food like we do with the garden. I live in the city where I think it is not legal to keep chickens in your yard. I can’t imagine why they would want to make that illegal and control the food supply! I know people who do it anyway and they don’t enforce it really.

Love your homesteading adventures and lessons!

It's crazy how controlling they try to be when you think about it.

Quill dog loves an egg treat now and then. I can't imagine how happy he would be if he got three fresh ones! lol. Sadly, snow loads and homeowners association rules keep us from raising chickens. Store bought eggs only. Enjoy breakfast!

Nice, your chicken is looks soo beautiful 🐔

very good nutritional value on eggs, however, I don't want to mess up my beautiful garden

They can be of great benefit to your garden. Excellent fertilizer

Interesting and useful video!

I think every family should have chickens, so that is why I created a downloadable with everything you need to raise chickens.

Yes I agree!
!discovery 30

yes it's true to have chickens, it's good to always have eggs, there's a lot of work 🤣

They have been relatively low maintenance. The worst part is early mornings but with the automated door I got it's a huge blessing

Always a pleasure to watch your videos. 👍

Thank you! Glad you enjoy them

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your cock is really very much and he prays with a lot too