Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1271)

in Homesteading28 days ago

Hello Everyone!

A very stormy day, Dodgy phone connectivity, News from the electric company & My first trespasser!

Alright, I am beginning my writing routine a whole twelve minutes early tonight... even though I have yet to move said start time back by another thirty minutes like I mentioned wanting to do yesterday. I am still planning on moving the timing back some to account for the sun setting later... but for now I am just happy to be on time since I have had so much difficulty doing it lately.

Last night I was up a good bit later than I wanted to be yet again... and have no idea what it is going to take to get my sleep schedule shifted to where it needs to be. It seems like I just have too much on my mind to be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour... and although I keep waking rather early in the day... I need to be waking closer to dawn if not before it.

This morning I awoke to quite the storm happening and all that it took was listening to the rumble of thunder... and hearing the pounding rain... to convince me to immediately go back to sleep. Although I awoke several times after that (to the same storm still raging outside) it was not until noon that I finally got up and actually began my day.

Not that it was much of a day given that it continued to storm until just a few hours ago... and I was cooped up indoors hoping that it would all blow over so that I could get some stuff done outdoors. Which of course never really happened... aside from doing my late day chores just as the sun was setting over the horizon.

It was really all kind of frustrating because I had been hoping to call around to some other shed companies... but given all the cloud cover my cellular reception was pretty much useless for making calls. To be clear, sure I could have called... but all the other party would have heard is a bunch of garbled sounds interspersed with a word or two that might be understandable!

Heck, even on the cloudless days that happens with my phone conversations... and not even my cellular repeater seems to make the connectivity better. I guess that during those times that the cellular tower is just overwhelmed or something... and there is not a damned thing that I can do about it.

At one point very late in the day the electrical engineer returned my call... and thankfully the rain had stopped by then and I was able to step outside to make the reception a little better so that we could talk. Long story short he got the stake put in for where my power pole can be put in at... and told me its general location so that I can let my electrician know where it is located at.

A few other things that I learned from him is that it was not the power company that put in that new gravel road (so it must have been the friendly neighbor) and that it was not him who had been driving on my property with a four-wheeler. He also mentioned that there are two small trees that will need to be removed before the overhead power line can be installed... so I guess that I will need to cut them down once I get moved.

All of that stuff (aside from the four-wheeler stuff) was really good news... and oh yeah I also learned that there are no rules against putting in my own driveway inside the power line easement. Of course the driveway will not be all that simple because upon close inspection of the pictures and videos that my friend recently made of the place... there is some kind of coaxial or fiber line laying atop the ground... right where I want to put the driveway in at.

As far as the four wheeler goes I guess that they count as my first trespasser as a landowner... and yeah it really rubs me the wrong way for all kinds of reasons. The main reason being that with all the rain that has been occurring in that area... what was once a pristine woodland path... is now going to be a mucky mess.

Honestly, I think that someone heard the place had been sold, that folks had been visiting it... and someone around that area decided to be nosy. All of which I can understand... but driving their all-terrain vehicle through the place goes way over the line of what is acceptable as 'good neighbors' (or even just being nosy or curious) in my perspective.

There is always all kinds of horseshit involved with a property like that... which no one has inhabited (or has had an out of state owner) and I have long suspected that it has been hunted on... or had firewood routinely taken from it. As messed up as it is that just seems like what happens more often than not... and although folks had no legal right to do those (or any other) activities at the place... they will probably be upset that they can no longer do it.

The whole scenario is already going to be stressful enough for me given that I will be working with limited resources... and scrambling to get into something habitable by the time winter arrives... and the idea of having to put up with some trespassing asshole really gets my hackles up. In hindsight, I should have had my friend pick up a few game cameras for me... and set them up so that I could see what all happens before my arrival there.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

My largest black locust tree has put on even more growth! At this rate I may need to top it just to fit it into the moving truck!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


Good you learned something new from the electrical engineer. Sorry for the storm I'm your area we don't know anything that I'm Africa.

Maybe the gravel road and four wheeler were from whoever placed the cable across your driveway and they will be back to bury it, it might be an internet or cable tv company laying new lines, they are putting them underground here.

The cable has been there a long time from the looks of it. That said even if it were new then there would be no reason to traverse the entire property (through the woods) with a four-wheeler. No internet or cable company is going to do that kind of activity. Also everything they would need to do they would do from the road. It was most likely a local.

I see, it is probably a kid out riding, I would not stress over it. Look at all the properties you went on when You were a kid. I know you did not have a four wheeler but if you did you would have covered the woods.