in Homesteading2 years ago (edited)


Picking up where we left off, the homestead has been very busy as of the late, and has kept my son and I pretty....well, busy.😁


After a couple of years of dealing with our temporary carpet, we have made the upgrade to our permanent flooring. It was a fun project and only took a day to complete....and it was all free, thanks to an awesome friend who had it just laying around.😀😀💪💪

*It all snaps together, so it's so easy even a kid could do it.💪

*This type was called honey maple, and I thought it was really pretty. I used it for the main living room part of the floor.

*A stone look around the wood stove.

*A dark oak for the entryway.

*The stone around the stove.

*A look at the living room area as a whole.


Simba, our Anatolian shepherd, has been maturing as I have said recently. With this his natural hunting instincts have also come to fruition. Below is a picture of him with his first kill/find of a large prey. It is a young white tail deer. I say kill/find because while he did drag it back to our place from somewhere, I have no clue if he actually killed it or found it dead. It was fresh when he arrived with it so my assumption is it was a fresh kill.

*Standing proud(and on guard) of his kill, and supper.😁


This girl, is our main workhorse out at the homestead, so no surprise she needed more love and attention. Her right front upper balljoint/control arm was COMPLETELY worn out and I spent a couple hours replacing it so she could continue be an amazing helper to us.


While I don't have any pictures, she also got her ignition switch and tumbler set replaced along with her driver side outside door handle because it had broke during a cold snap. The passenger side outside door handle also broke, and will need replaced soon as well.


My dad recently spent some of his time and amazing talent to fashion us a homemade firewood holder. It is very well made out of angle iron and his welds are impeccable. I can imagine this firewood holder will last us a lot of years.

*I love it so much!🥰 Thank you dad. You mean the world to us!!!

A snow storm hit last night, so I'm making this post while I await a response from a wonderful new friend I meet, who had a rough night last night due to the storm.😞 So, for now, I I bid you adieu and wish you all the most lovely day!!!🤗🥰🤗🥰🤗 And as always, we truly appreciate everyone who loves and supports us on our journey through this beautiful world! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Remember, as cozy as our lives may be at any given time, there is always a lot hurting and suffering going on. We each fight our battles each day, and do our best to get through and learn from each one. However, if you find yourself in times of happiness, abundance, and fulfillment, do not get caught up in it too much.....please, and take a minute to look around. I promise you won't have to go far to find a person or other living being that needs your help or support. In your moments of prosperity and well-doing take a little time to be there for those who need you.

Kiddos, I love you all so much!🥰 Be the light that this world needs. Cast out the shadows and take a stand for the things you know are right and matter the cost.


Awesome to see all the progress you all have been making recently 👍

Oh dear brother! It is so great to hear from you. It had been so long since I posted, I was afraid that I wouldn't get any interaction when I finally did. 😁 And when I checked back in, there was a message from you! I hope all is well for you and your loved ones, and that you all are making it along well in this world! I wish you the absolute best, and as always send my love and happiness and best vibrations.🥰🤗🥰🤗

I do love ad appreciate that words of kindness you have concluded with, its full of hope and life, the world needs more of that.

That's alot of work you are doing and am sure you will find life very comfortable to live after all the work and repaires.

I also have alot of firewood I keep for cooking but keeping them in good shape like you're father has gifted you something to hold yours will still be a challenge to me...

Hello beautiful spirit! I'm so happy that you happen to cross my post, and also and especially that you chose to leave me a message. It is a lot of work, and you are completely correct once all of it is done it will be a pretty comfortable little place for me and my loved ones! I am glad that you enjoyed the words I concluded with, and I hope that they are inspirational and useful to help build you up! It is the whole reason I do that. ☺️ Because, you are absolutely right, the world needs as much positive and happy vibrations as we can get. And while you cannot hear my spoken words, I use talk to text because I am able to put my vibrational energies out using my voice instead of just typing on a keyboard. There is power in our voices and the vibrations that come with them, and it truly feels great to speak such words. I will do my best to make it over to your blog in the next couple of days so that I can see what you have been up to. I wish you and all of your loved ones the absolute best, and I send my love your way!🤗🤗🤗

Hello beautiful spirit! I'm so happy that you happen to cross my post, and also and especially that you chose to leave me a message. It is a lot of work, and you are completely correct once all of it is done it will be a pretty comfortable little place for me and my loved ones! I am glad that you enjoyed the words I concluded with, and I hope that they are inspirational and useful to help build you up! It is the whole reason I do that. ☺️ Because, you are absolutely right, the world needs as much positive and happy vibrations as we can get. And while you cannot hear my spoken words, I use talk to text because I am able to put my vibrational energies out using my voice instead of just typing on a keyboard. There is power in our voices and the vibrations that come with them, and it truly feels great to speak such words. I will do my best to make it over to your blog in the next couple of days so that I can see what you have been up to. I wish you and all of your loved ones the absolute best, and I send my love your way!🤗🤗🤗