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RE: The Honey-flow begins!

in Homesteading2 years ago

One thing I like about this community is that you learn new things everyday. I love bees, I mean, I love their how they look , how hardworking they are and how they help humanity. I don’t know much about them, but one thing is, I love honey.

I get fascinated when I read about beekeepers. I mean, how do you get them to produce honey, aren’t you scared of them. I’m sure these are just silly questions for you because obviously you know much about them.

Continue with the good job and thanks for sharing in this community.


Hey bud ye in a way scared of their power in numbers they are killers even to some 1 can and has killed. Luckily I am not allergic as a beekeeper you can't more then likely you will have problems. Always a good idea to have a healthy respect for nature in every way shape and form. Cheer$:)