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RE: My input and engagement in small-medium scale farming: scouting and inspection visit to proposed farmland

in Homesteading2 months ago

This is awesome. Farming is the sure way to reduce the hunger ravaging the country. The more we farm, the more we reduce our dependent on importation of food. We have the land, we have the manpower, what is holding us from feeding ourselves as a nation?

The problem has always been that of government's policy. Their lackadaisical attitude towards providing security for Nigerians as stated in the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.

The leasing of the land is a fair deal I must admit. You talk of planting a crop that has three months maturity period. How are you planning to maximize the land to your advantage within the span of the one year?


You're right, Govt has a poor approach to agriculture and mechanization. Hopefully I'm able to apply two batches of inter cropping and I'm considering cassava at the tail end to span me into early next year

That's lovely... I am warming up to farm rice over here too. We must tackle food security heads on.

God's favor brother