Coturniculture project to share

in Homesteadinglast year

Hello users,


This is my first post for this community, I hope that if I make any mistakes let me know, I will be willing to evaluate and in a healthy way to respond and improve.

I wanted to share my knowledge about coturniculture, it is a very intelligent way of how we can take advantage of this project, which has united us as a family for some time

Several months ago we have been thinking about having an extra job, some way to improve our family budget, which has been somewhat disturbed by the economic situation of our country

We are a very positive family and when it comes to entrepreneurship we have many tools, that knowledge that we learn at the university, but also with the experience of trial and error without having to complain, together we know that we are a great team

For many years we have been working with quails, but we have also had to leave the project halfway, due to various events, either for lack of material, food and also because of strong health realities. This is our 4th start with this project that we are passionate about

I would like to leave that first part to start, is to want to do it, to commit yourself, to study, to acquire knowledge. We can go to the best breeding ground of these birds, try to make that first visit to buy fertile eggs or birds of great lineage. In that search to have that extra income we decided to be able to continue with this project since we know it well, also among the ideas we have we wanted to invest by buying #hive that is latent. There really are not many investment opportunities for those who do not have so much money


So I leave this first step: Buy the incubators, look for fertile eggs, start incubating and then see those birds reproduce with a feed that has 24% protein, the rest will be quite careful and set the goal of how many birds you want to have, to make your breeding foot. Our goal is to have five thousand birds this year

I will continue to bring you tips so that you can start and invest in this bird that is very generous, we can even take advantage of its codornaza (skimmings), it is a very generous bird

Surely on the web you will find a lot of information about these birds, but experience is very valuable when it comes to read some suggestions, which many do not say since it is not profitable to give information for free

If you are passionate about this world of quails for entrepreneurship, don't miss my next publication. Thank you for your support and comments. Original content for the #homesteading community. All images are my property, equipment used my Redmi A1 cell phone. my signature with Canva application



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