Finally Purchased Some Seeds for My Homestead Garden.

in Homesteading8 months ago (edited)


Hello #homestead and #hivegarden

My gardening Journey is getting fully started as I have nou purchased some seeds and will be preparing them for planting.

Here are some jute mallow seeds. You can see just how tiny these seeds are and also I have some Vegetable seeds called spinach here


I have been doing some hard labour on the garden spot here. Weeding and removing of stones to raise a bed.
Remember I said that the rains ceased in the month of October and the ground became very hard ever since. Fortunately for me an unexpected rain fell last weekend Saturday and the rain was so heavy that everywhere became cold and soft again.

This is good for my gardening since I can do some proper clearing with ease but unfortunately the rain destroyed a good portion of our rice.

Rice was due for harvest and we were gradually harvesting and taking them home but the heavy rain has threshed and flushed a good portion of our rice and I am still inspecting the level of damage.

Earlier on I have purchased some pre-grown Fluted pumpkins seeds in sacks here to add to the garden, but just yesterday the vegetables and Jute seeds arrived. They were quite expensive but worth buying.


I can't really decide the number or categories of Veggies I will be planting here but almost any vegetables that feels appealing to me will be planted here.
I wish to play a few tree like Pawpaw at least, but the landlord will not permit or be in support of this.




Hence I will just stick to this vegetables for now. This morning I will clear off the remaining portion of the garden, raise the bed a little higher and probably plant the seeds or wait until tomorrow.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 184 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @monica-ene, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Excellent post! And very impressive!

I'd love to know more!

Will keep posting.
Thank you

Interesting! Vegetable gardening is sure the best. Well-done

Thanks dear.