Planting my seeds and finally starting up my vegetable bed/garden.

in Homesteading8 months ago

Just yesterday I had posted about buying some seeds for my garden which I have wanted to plant.
After series of work on the garden bed I have eventually dispersed my seeds.



At first I didn't know that I will be able to make it through to the planting stage yesterday. We were meant to go harvest some rice but after the Saturday rain, there are some swamp water remaining in the rice field and we cannot harvest anything in that condition



Hence I had the whole day to work in the garden. Having cleared the place I proceeded to plant the seeds.
Calculatively dispersing the tiny seeds so that when they germinate I will have some adequate spacing in between the vegetables.

There shouldn't be crowding in a bed, the veggies won't grow well but while planting them the seeds are really so tiny for one to be sure of the adequacy of spacing.

After spreading the seeds, it was time to cover it up with a very light quantity of the sand/dirt



It's officially about 18hours I have planted the seeds. It's time to wet the garden, as the bed is dried already. Now I have a only got a bow and bucket for this purpose but I think that purchasing a pipe will help me convey water easily from within the house to where I have the garden here.



Having done the wetting I just have to lookout for when my seeds will start to germinate


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 184 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Wow! This is a whole lot of work. Well-done! It will definitely grow well and healthy

Thanks dearie 🥳🥳

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