Very poor seeds with no sign of germination here

in Homesteading8 months ago

It has been over a week I have propagated my vegetables and Jute mallow seeds and up until now I haven't seen any signs of germinating seeds.


That is one problem with agriculture here, preservation of quality seeds for the next farming season.
Local farmers are often faced with the challenges of how to preserve seeds properly. Some seeds are delicate and like my late mum always taught me. Storing them in nylons prevents some seeds from germinating. She would rather keep her seeds in old newspapers.

I have bought these seeds from the market casually thinking that it will germinate but after raising the bed and wetting the soil regularly it has been a week and I can barely see any sign of germinating seeds .


The best places we can buy seeds from are from Agric engineering offices in the town here, there one can be assured of quality seeds with better productivity but because this was only vegetables I have disregarded doing so and had thought that these seeds will germinate but it seems like I am wrong and have wasted time and effort for a whole week now .



If I happen to grow the vegetables for this year it will be grown up to the seed production phase so that I can generate and preserve some seeds for next year harvest to avert this kind of challenge. Preserving the seeds myself will keep them in good condition and for next year planting I will have no issues as to whether my seeds will germinate or not.


I will equally be giving this the grace of one more week and if there is no significant changes then I have to go get some other seeds to replant in the bed but for now the only activities here is for me to wet the bed morning and night


It's so sad to see this, I could remember you shared how and when you planted this seeds and untill now, they still haven't germinated! It's a good thing you are giving it time to see the process, I hope it germinate by then.

Me too
The seeds aren't cheap

If I happen to grow the vegetables for this year it will be grown up to the seed production phase so that I can generate and preserve some seeds for next year harvest to avert this kind of challenge. Preserving the seeds myself will keep them in good condition and for next year planting I will have no issues as to whether my seeds will germinate or not.

Exactly what I wanted to advice you. Most people selling these seeds do not know how to preserve this so that they would be useful for the next farming production. So, the best thing is to grow the veggies to the seeds level, since you know how to preserve them. Sorry for the inconveniences it might have caused.

Thank you so much.

You are welcome