Transplanting the plant

in Homesteadinglast year

That little plant continued to grow and after it sprouted more leaves I was able to make many comparisons with apple tree leaves on the internet, finding such an incredible similarity that all doubts about the nature of the little plant were dispelled.

Every day I went to water it, excited watching how new shoots were coming out, I was so excited and proud of my little plant that I wanted to tell everyone about it... well, it's not like I went around the squares like crazy telling every stranger I saw , I mean everyone known and trusted, family and friends of course.

But suddenly I have noticed that something unusual is happening to my little plant, the last sprout was taking a long time to develop, to this concern was added that the oldest leaves began to turn yellow, that is, they are beginning to dry up. A logical and inevitable question immediately arises in my mind: What will happen if the leaves that it has dry up and no new leaves have sprouted? Oh no! it would be the end for the little plant.

Without being an expert in fruit growing, quite the contrary, it occurred to me that perhaps the container where the seed was planted had become too small for the current size of the seedling, perhaps its roots no longer had room to expand and that is why I was having problems to continue developing the seedling, it was the only thing I could think of so I did the only thing I could do: we have to move it to a bigger place!

Finding another place to put it was not difficult, I thought it must be a place that it will never come out of again, maybe even when planted in the ground this place would go with it so it must be fragile so that when it grows the roots can break it without problems and continue to develop and while I was thinking the solution appeared before my eyes with a touch of recycling.

Yes, I chose a bread flour container as the new house for the plant. After cutting and filling with good soil, the next thing to do was try to get the plant out of its current container, trying not to stress it too much, not leaving all its roots in the open air and For this, it only occurred to me to cut its packaging at the corners and then try to remove it as a single block (plant and soil) to move it to the next place.

After having transplanted the apple tree I made many holes in the bag where I placed it so that when watering it the water can come out easily since if it remains in the container it can rot the plant, finally I added water and put it back on the window to continue to observe its evolution in the coming days, I hope it can continue to develop smoothly.


Yay! 🤗
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