🐣 Chicken Birth-Day | First Incubation Report 🐤

in Homesteadinglast year (edited)


A month ago, I talked about how I had to repair the incubator given to us in order to hatch chickens. It's time to show off your results!

This was our first attempt at incubating eggs, and I think it turned out pretty well.

Exactly 21 days later, as expected, despite a couple of hiccups in incubation temperature due to power outages, we hatched 10 pretty chicks.


These are the first ones that we heard and transferred, the rest were still partially in the shell


Last weekend, when I was fixing the car, my excited wife came running to me with a bunch of chickens and asked me to build a warm place for them))


In haste, I connected two old lamp sockets in parallel and screwed a plug to the wire. It seemed to me that one LED lamp might not be enough for them in terms of temperature, so I decided to do it with a margin)


Now they are comfortable sleeping after hearty corn grits with young chopped grass and cottage cheese, under warm lamps


On warm sunny days, kids love to walk outside, but so that no one offends them, we still protect them from the big harsh world with a cage. The cat also shows genuine interest to meet chicks 😻


Enjoyed walking and eating, chicks can fall asleep right in a bowl of cereal))


Or fall asleep right in your hand while they carry it home



1 chicken costs about 8 euros.
10 eggs cost about 1.25 euros.
Approximately about 70 days payback for one chicken if she lays one egg daily and is not stolen by a predator)
We do this not for sale, but to save my money on buying eggs for a large family.

@Dswigle, you may also be interested this post while I get together my moonshine still))


Trade conveniently on HiveDex.io.

Thanks to @Mahdiyari!


I wish you all a peaceful sky above your head and stable soil under your feet! Take care of yourself and your loved ones so that you can meet again in the hive!


I don't even know what the rate of hatching eggs is, do you? My brother has chickens, I should ask him. The started with a few, but, he is out of hand. I think he has over a hundred now. Yikes.

They are so cute, and yes, the cat has too much interest, yes? Put a turkey out there and that cat will lose interest quick! Great job and we had 9 kids in my family, so I understand the chickens!

Yay! 🤗
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Oh wow, those babies looks so cute. Do take greater care of them.