
Living in God will

Living in God will is what many people are really finding difficult to live upto.

Not that they did not desire to live in God will but because at times they have seen it like in this way that though I desire to live in God will, my strength can make me to live in God will.

Only for them to find out at the end of the day that the more they try to live in God will through their strength, they are just not finding it possible.

Living in God will is not what we can live by ourselves but by the grace of God. It only takes the grace of God to live in God will.

Many people have missed it nowadays and this is really affecting them. From today, try to see it as living in God will as it is possible only by our God grace and not by our strength.

Try to live in God will as from today.


Today I will be talking about greed in the heart of men.

Like I said, earlier greed is in the heart of men. We see men and women full of greed in their perharps due to some reasons known to them.

Greed is the selfish desire of yourself only without considering the desire of others. As a human being, we should be considerate about others around us and not only us.

Perhaps you have some things in abundance which might be money, connections, materials aspect or food self and someone is coming to meet you so as for you to help him or her out with her needs.

With you having in abundance and you are still refusing to help him or her thinking that perhaps if you give him or her, it will affect your abundance and made you not to have it in abundance again.

That is greed. Helping others is not greed but refusing to help others thinking it will affect your abundances is greed.

We should be careful of greed because it can destroy ones life. Look at your self. Are you the group of greed, try to make it up with God today and stop been greedy.


It is hard to live in God’s will in flesh. We need the holt spirit to help us to live according to his will.