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RE: Welcome to the Christian Fellowship Community: A little about me and my vision for this community

in Christian Fellowship4 years ago (edited)

Good morning (here) @nextgen622. Following up on your exchange with @blessed-girl, I am reading this post about what is expected of those joining your community. As you know, from our previous engagements, I love your testimony. It is always a marvel and wonder to me whenever I think about how we have brothers and sisters in Christ all across the world.

In my morning time with His word to us, I read this:

He says, “It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel;
I will also make You a light of the nations
So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”"

Isaiah 49:6 [emphasis added mine]

"Too small a thing ..." indeed ... And here we are!

I will join your community, as it does not appear to have a time commitment expectation. I will do what I can, in my own small way and "part-time" status here on our Steem blockchain, to contribute and add value to what you are feeling led to do.

Have a great day!

Hebrews 10:23-25, Psalm 118:24

P.S. As I see no reference to one, am I correct in assuming there is no Discord channel associated with this community? @nextgen622, @michealb


@roleerob re discord community. there isn't one that i'm aware of. With the community i joined up to help with down voting / muting spam and will usually just vote on stuff i like. if you see stuff i miss or feel something should be voted on let me know. my time commitment is minimal also

Okay, thank you for your confirmation @michealb. I'll do what I can to help. If I notice something needing attention, how would you prefer me to let you know?

P.S. Like this at.bob77 account I just muted myself. This "Old Path" group just keeps "morphing." Sad witness ...

you can leave messages on my last post / comments or find me in discord. 'old path group' is the worst kind of spam in my opinion.