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RE: I don't need you to tell me that I will die, I need you to remember that I must live. (How to deal with a renal patient) improving a patient's quality of life. (Personal History) (ESP/ENG)

Reading this makes me understand the impact illnesses can have on our daily lives including our mental health. In a way I empathize with you because I know we both struggle daily with this health issue and in a way it wears us down in every way. However, we are here, and with that we can say that we have learned to live with these health experiences and consequences. You are an example to know that it is possible to move forward.


Greetings my friend.

I think it is the biggest demon against which I fight daily, because it is our reality.

I used to take care of my mom from everything, even from bad thoughts, because I know that these struggles leave us mentally weak and susceptible to everything. Thank God my mother's character was sweet and bearable, I was always alert to any family member or friend who said something that would make her depressed, there are people who do not think what they say, they do not know the magnitude of the damage they can cause and others who know and do it out of malice.

My mom's eyes were so expressive that looking at them sadly broke my heart into little pieces. I love her with all my heart I think it shows.

My refuge in Hive has helped me a lot in every aspect, that's why it becomes something sacred to me, you and I share a lot, we have many things in common and so much more.

That's why it's good to surround yourself with so many good vibes, the difference of this great social network is that here we are respectful, and we are more the good ones than the bad ones, we end up being a big family that I never imagined in my life. Many blessings to you and I hope you can find the balance of health.

Above all we must stay positive mentally, everything is fleeting, living one day at a time has helped me a lot, take things more calmly. Stop rushing and try to live better.

When we feel bad there is always a being of light out there that will lift our spirits, you know a lot about that, you have been part of it.

Beautiful people who remind us of the joy of living.