"Not much good content on HIVE" Could a new method of organizing content help this perception?

I ran into this tweet on the old, outdated, web 2.0 version of Leo Threads. It was in response to a tweet by @theycallmedan highlighting some of the resilience characteristics of our beloved protocol:

not much good content on HIVE.png

I'm not going to vote in favor of renaming HIVE to Hulk, sorry Dan 💁‍♂️
Please feel free to give your opinion as a reply to this tweet here:

I think there’s great content on HIVE! but I also see how someone could think otherwise.
If this user only found low-quality, low-effort content (which unfortunately there is a lot of) It’s understandable that they would assume that the entire HIVE ecosystem is like this.

If you've ever been to a thrift shop or a flea market, you know what I'm talking about.


Photo by Reiseuhu.de on Unsplash

Things are sorta/kinda organized, but you really have to do some digging and get lucky.

It got me thinking about something that might improve HIVE and it has to do with content discovery. I’d like to start by giving a shoutout to @jongolson and @blainjones with the amazing tool veews.io

Hive's very first content discovery engine.

Veews has improved content discovery significantly by learning about what YOU like and don't like, but I still think that content could be easier to find if we were able to organize blog posts by topic on our blog and "curate", so to speak, our page.

This is what I mean:

Let’s say I wanted to highlight my three favorite topics

  • Finance
  • Food & beverage
  • Music production

Imagine there could be a way of organizing my main page so that all my blog posts could be arranged in these three categories. Anything that falls outside these three categories could be hidden from view. Let’s say I was really into Rick & Morty last year and decided to make 30 posts about the latest season, but I got sick of that show and stopped watching it, so I no longer want it to show up in my blog. Someone visiting my blog could obviously choose to show these hidden posts, but my default setting would be to hide anything related to Rick & Morty.

My page could look something like this:

organizing HIVE blog.png

Or how about the nested view on tools like Notion.so


Now, PeakD might now agree with this way of displaying content, so maybe someone might find this idea interesting and would maybe contemplate the possibility of working on a front end that displays content this way. I'm in the VERY early stages of learning Python and have no idea how to do something like this (yet), but I thought it might be an interesting topic for discussion.

What do you think? Could content categorization make it easier to find high-quality, informative and insightful content on HIVE that could attract more users to our ecosystem?

I'd love to read your thoughts.


I like your ideas. Would be great if we get more flexibility in what and how we show our content.

I can even imagine how cool it’ll be if we can fully customise our profile/blog page. I mean customisation by selecting from libraries look & feel as well as features. The ability to add to it ourselves. All in a way one doesn’t have to know anything about technology, software, code or complex settings. Basically a Graphical UI Creator. I can imagine this is ‘t easy to creste but could put HIVE in a great spotlight. When thinking the service is easy to use. Think again. The service need to be even easier to use. That is what peeps like.

Yes! absolutely!

I'd love to see the ability to customize your page. Not sure if you remember MySpace, but it was an early social media platform where you could add your custom background, font, embed songs, etc to your page, etc. I think it would be cool and I could totally see newcomers going wild over a censorship-resistant, monetizeable, self-sovereign,web 3.0 platform that you could express your individuality on without having to be a computer programmer.

MySpace: Absolutely! For some reason, they didn't make it too big. Well, it was for some time, but then this FB thingy took over. Not sure why. Maybe the simplicity of FB at its early start? When so, that would speak against making a more customisable HIVE front end. I know that simplicity is key in service experience. However, HIVE can use some more cool UI look&feel. Anyways, let's see who will pick up the task for a super flexible and customisable blog frontend ;) Maybe you?

Things are sorta/kinda organized, but you really have to do some digging and get lucky.

In one sense, I agree. There is a lot of content, but much of it is not quality content. Obviously, my opinion is subjective, but I have the impression that many users post anything just for the sake of posting. In that sense, I personally struggle a lot to find quality posts to give my vote to. I don't want to vote just for the sake of voting - I want to support quality stuff.

On the other hand, I have the impression that no matter how hard I try - granted, it is possible that my strategy is wrong and/or my material is not good enough -, that my material goes unnoticed and does not reach the right audience or enough audience.

In that sense, I think that a filtering system could make it easier for serious users to find quality posts or topics that interest them and reward them with a vote.

Good article, thank you very much


I agree completely. I'm trying to build a Wordpress plugin to be able to interface with Hive because I want more ways to display and curate content around the topics I'm interested in (open source and decentralization).

I'm not a good coder or probably the right person for the job, but I don't see others doing it, so I'll give it my best.

I love the front ends that are available, but I agree that there needs to be more customization of how content is organized and presented.


more ways to display and curate content around the topics I'm interested in


The ideas in this post might be obvious, but their new to me. You might not consider yourself a great coder, but I'm a no coder 😄, plus I don't have a profound understanding of any of the concepts required to make something like this work.

Please keep us posted on your plugin. At the very least, it will generate discussion around a topic that could greatly improved the HIVE protocol and it's layer 2s.

Thanks! I'll keep working and posting. Probably not very quickly though, as I hardly know what I'm doing and I'm making it up and learning as I go.

Your colored "sticky notes" remind me of those word bubble things that were all the rage at the turn of the century. I don't use PeakD at all because they require your ACTIVE key. What we need on Hive (and LeoFinance), is built-in Search.

I don't use PeakD at all because they require your ACTIVE key

What do you use?

What we need on Hive (and LeoFinance), is built-in Search

Wondering if https://hivewhat.com/ could be integrated. It seems pretty fast and comes up with plenty of relevant search results.

What do you use?

I use the various front-ends, hive.blog and Hiveblocks. And instead of an outside source, I think we need an integrated search function, but I'll back whatever works at this point.

We need a much better search feature for one. But yeah some kind of custom dashboard would be cool.

We need a much better search feature

https://hivewhat.com/ seems to be a step in the right direction. I wonder if it could be integrated directly into the frontends like PeakD instead of having to go to a different website.

I like the idea of a custom dashboard because if I were to visit your page because of an article you wrote, I would immediately be presented with an overview of your most relevant content and might give you a follow, upvote, comment.

I’ve been considering ways of using Hive as a backend for my own JavaScript powered blog https://nicklewis.blog which is a deliberately simple looking site.

Nice! Great to see you building 👊

Looking at Astro now. I see you can use React, Svelte, Vue, Preact,HTML+JS. Please share updates if you manage to integrate Hive as a backend for your blog.

I shall indeed Alex. I must confess I haven’t tried it yet but those tools I’m sure could be used together. Could be an open source project in the making.


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Firstly, one has to identify what actually constitutes "quality content". For me, I generally write about Crypto and financial markets. In terms of markets, true quality content would not only be well presented... but accurate. In the world of finance, accuracy is key. Well-presented content that is useless cannot really be considered quality... and so every genre has its own key aspects that need to be incorporated and considered for content to carry any true level of excellence.

You write excellent content!

Have you ever felt that a well-written piece of yours has gone unnoticed? perhaps it was hard to find for some reason. This is what I think HIVE front ends could improve to increase their relevance in the social space.

If people regularly find accurate, well presented crypto posts and discussions on INLEO, they will come more regularly. But they need to find it.

Thanks mate. Yep, I think most of it floats under the radar. It's actually a little sad/concerning when you observe the caliber of content that generally tends to attract a large audience, both on WEB2 and WEB3. There is definitely a lot of room for improvement, regarding front-ends and the navigation and discovery of content.

Contest categorization will really go a long way to help fine quality and informative content, but at the same time I think some contents might be overlooked. Let say the majority of people sorting out post and curating on it loves topics like; finance, food and recreation. You will see this will cause many to turn their attention and time into publishing post on this topics, because everyone ones his/her content to be Upvoted.
Unless everything will be arraigned in such a way that all aspects will be considered and give much care to.

So you are learning how to code??
Goooood Man!

This "finding stuff " issue..
It seems it is much more complicated than a coding ignorant would think!
I just started to understand the complexity of a search engine when the @Veews guys presented the idea in a #CTT. I didnt think something like this was necesary at all! I thought it came integrated easily in any frontend. So far from reality! In peakd and 3speak that are the ones I use the most .. search results can annoy me so much! Even when I know I Tagged some post in a way I search AND it doesn't find it.. or.. it comes way down after many nothing to do stuff.. even the search box in 3speak Is difficult to find Man!!!

Way to go. So I'm glad you are getting into Python!!! Hahahaha

We need Hive e-mail, we need Hive discord!!! Hive everything!!!

We are still very early and many things don't work as seamlessly as technologies developed by closed-source corporate giants. It's OK. I will continue to use my #freedomtools despite their current shortcomings. It would be nice if things were more easily searchable (and findable) though :)

I am very slowly getting into coding, yes haha. It just seems like it's a skill I can learn from. If I'm able to become a medium-tier programmer, maybe I can build a very small program with a solution to a very specific problem. Who knows. For now, I'm just learning for the sake of knowledge.