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RE: CyberWay for Noobs : Introducing CyberWay to Hive community with less Techy MunboJumbos!

In this case, best performing validators gets rewarded and each unique users that voted for them gets a share of their own rewards, same thing goes for defaulting validators, they get some sort of fine which users that voted them in takes a share. Meaning, users gets to actively follow and monitor the validators best suited before voting them cos there is consequences for irresponsible and circle voting.

And yes, 21 is a little less compared to a more user friendly that could onboard double or triple of EOS users, meaning 101 is just a fraction when thousands and millions of active users are onboarded. Practically I don't use EOS Much cos of the unnecessarily complex technicalities, but I'm using Commun often already which indicates CyberWay easy on boarding and easy usage!

Thanks for the amazing feedback.