El tiempo corre manager Gabe | Historia [ESP-ENG]

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Gabe era un joven de 35 años de edad, con la mejor vida llena de muchos lujos, dinero y la única responsabilidad que asumió fue ser manager de muchos artistas famosos de todo el mundo y por eso no tenía tiempo para formar una relación estable y conseguir una gran familia. Era un hombre que heredo los bienes de su padre y los mismos principios, tenía una gran economía y tenía que mantenerla activa, por eso siempre estaba viajando y apoyando a todo esos grandes artistas, puesto que con cada pago que recibía era suficiente para estar tranquilo y no tenía esa necesidad de ahorrar, ya que a la semana volvía a cobrar y así sucesivamente.

Siempre le gusto estar muy bien vestido y demostrar que tiene todo el potencial y el concomiendo para ser un gran manager, viaja a diferentes países en busca de nuevo y viejos artistas que necesiten apoyo en su carrera musical, gastaba dinero en carros y tenía su vida tranquila. Muchas de las personas con que se rodeaba eran manager no tan reconocidos como Gabe, mientras que Gabe solo era de fiestas, muchos de ellos se aprovecharon de este joven, lo robaban y nada que se daba cuenta. Su tiempo era muy amplio para poder hacer todo, a pesar de que estaba apoyando un artista local y poder llevarlo a la cima y de esa manera poder beneficiarse ambos.

Gabe no le importaba cuanto tenía que gastar en una salida, ya que siempre lo estaba contratando como manager llego un momento donde trabajaba para dos artistas al mismo tiempo, algo que solo el podía hacer, su familia siempre preguntaba por él, pero no sabían una ubicación exacta de donde estaba, dejando ese gran vacío. Así pasaba el tiempo y Gabe solo era trabajo y lujos, a pesar de que cuando regresaba a casa venía de sorpresas para todo, pero no le gustaba la forma arrogante que tenía. Pasaba minutos en casa y se marchaba, ya que lo estabas esperando una nueva oportunidad de trabajo como manager musical.

Gabe was a young man of 35 years old, with the best life full of many luxuries, money and the only responsibility he assumed was to be manager of many famous artists around the world and that is why he did not have time to form a stable relationship and get a big family. He was a man who inherited his father's assets and the same principles, he had a great economy and had to keep it active, so he was always traveling and supporting all those great artists, since with each payment he received was enough to be calm and did not have that need to save, because a week later he returned to collect and so on.

He always liked to be very well dressed and show that he had all the potential and the knowledge to be a great manager, he traveled to different countries looking for new and old artists who needed support in their musical career, he spent money on cars and had a quiet life. Many of the people he surrounded himself with were managers not as well known as Gabe, while Gabe was just a party guy, many of them took advantage of this young man, they would steal from him and nothing he realized. His time was too ample to do everything, even though he was supporting a local artist and could take him to the top so they could both benefit.

Gabe did not care how much he had to spend on an outing, since he was always hiring him as a manager, there came a time where he worked for two artists at the same time, something that only he could do, his family always asked for him, but they did not know an exact location of where he was, leaving that great emptiness. So time passed and Gabe was only work and luxuries, even though when he returned home he came home with surprises for everything, but he didn't like the arrogant way he had. He would spend minutes at home and leave, as he was waiting for a new job opportunity as a music manager.

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Pasaron los años y Gabe seguía siendo el mismo joven, donde fue el manager más reconocido en su ciudad, puesto que realizo un gran trabajo con una gran artista, donde con algo dinero y su sus contactos podía en algo grande, se movía y buscaba cada una de las posibles soluciones a esas jóvenes. A pesar de que aún no se daba cuenta de que el tiempo pasaba y él estaba solo, sin una familia y una empresa a su nombre, pesando que la herencia de su padre era de por vida.

Gabe, no le importo nada y en uno de sus trabajos como manager no lo cumplió, por estar de fiesta, dejando mal a un gran artista de la compañía de Risgns Star, esto para él fue lo más grave que hizo, ya que dejó mal el nombre de su padre, pensó que era todo una broma, pero en realidad le había prometido conseguir un contrato y no pudo hacerlo, puesto que lo hacía era un juego de dinero, cobrar y cuando se dieron cuenta de toda esa estafa, era imposible poder repararla y que Gabe diera algo, ya la vida comenzó a hacer otra y muchos los demandaron por robar y no hacer su trabajo con un manager de verdad, jugaba con la mente de los artistas jóvenes.

Comenzaron las preocupaciones y tener que ir a enfrentar todos esos cargos que le correspondía a Gabe, ya no tenía ganas de hacer nada y menos de salir a festejar, puesto que ya no tenía la misma atención, y muchos de sus amigos se alejaron, dejando en todo esos problemas solos. Sus hermanos menores, si lograron aprovechar su parte de la herencia, montando negocios con sus nombres y así poder estar tranquilos en la familia, puesto que este joven pensó que nunca lo iba a descubrir y el dinero iba a durar para toda la vida. Gabe pasó de ser un gran manager reconocido a ser un estafador, dándose cuenta de que el tiempo paso y no hizo nada con su vida.

Years passed and Gabe was still the same young man, where he was the most recognized manager in his city, since he did a great job with a great artist, where with some money and his contacts he could do something big, he moved and looked for every possible solution for those young women. Although he still did not realize that time was passing and he was alone, without a family and a company in his name, even though his father's inheritance was for life.

Gabe, did not care about anything and in one of his jobs as a manager he did not fulfill it, because he was partying, leaving a great artist of the Risgns Star company bad, this for him was the most serious thing he did, since he left his father's name bad, he thought it was all a joke, but in reality he had promised him to get a contract and he could not do it, since he did it was a money game, to collect and when they realized all that scam, it was impossible to repair it and that Gabe gave something, and life began to make another and many sued them for stealing and not doing their job with a real manager, he played with the minds of young artists.

The worries began and having to go and face all those charges that Gabe had to face, he no longer felt like doing anything and even less like going out to party, since he no longer had the same attention, and many of his friends moved away, leaving all those problems alone. His younger brothers, if they managed to take advantage of their part of the inheritance, setting up businesses with their names and thus be able to be quiet in the family, since this young man thought he would never be discovered and the money would last a lifetime. Gabe went from being a great manager to being a swindler, realizing that time passed and he did nothing with his life.

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Gane, dejo todo, se alejó y el tiempo siglo avanzando, donde logro reflexionar que perdió muchas oportunidades de su vida, solo por estar de fiesta y hace lo mismo que su padre, por ende ya nadie lo contrato y de allí la compañía de su padre cerro y ahora muchos jóvenes artistas, no prefieren contratar manager, sino ellos mismos hacerlo por su cuenta, porque no saben las personas que está detrás de cada manager que les puede tocar.

Gabe, he left everything, he moved away and the time century progressed, where he was able to reflect that he lost many opportunities in his life, just to be partying and doing the same as his father, therefore no one hired him and from there his father's company closed and now many young artists do not prefer to hire a manager, but they themselves do it on their own, because they do not know the people behind each manager that can touch them.

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