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RE: Hive FPL Head to Head League GW27 Previews

in Football on Hive ⚽️4 months ago (edited)

@talesfrmthecrypt - The big match nerves are building. Richarlison's out for 3 to 4 weeks which has rather scuppered my plans... I've gone a bit risky this week which probably won't pay off!


I'm sweating on Solanke. Don't really want to transfer him out given the double game week in GW28 plus would be useful to have 2 free transfers in preparation for GW29


If he plays, you've probably won. If he doesn't, it's a straight up Haaland v. Saka battle for victory 💪🏼

That would make it doubly satisfying if Arsenal choke

I read that Solanke travelled with the squad at least. Bournemouth really need a win so hoping they stick him out there on one leg!

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