"Kuda Aceh" - Let's Get To Know Horse Racing In Takengon, Aceh 📸

in GOAT.Gang4 years ago


On this occasion I invite you to get to know more closely about the Takengon horse racing, Aceh

This is the sighting of a takengon horse


Today, you can pay attention to the history and culture of equestrianism that have grown and become an inseparable part of the civilization journey of the ancestors who lived to build the City of Takengon / Aceh since ancient times.

Horse racing has also been a part of hospitality and entertainment for the community for a long time, especially for allied districts in Gayo, Central Aceh, Bener Meriah, Gayo Lues and Aceh Tenggara.

"Not only hospitality and entertainment, but there is added value from an economic side because it is certain that there will be many traders selling in the racing area,"

We also hope that the implementation of horse racing is not harmed by negative things that can damage the meaning of the people's party. Moreover, the Central Aceh district government, has committed through the commemoration of the 443th Anniversary of Takengon City, to unite steps towards an Islamic society.

"So, in the implementation of this horse race, don't be damaged by negative actions,"

May we become people who benefit other beings on this earth

