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It's mainly to make it visible. (Also covers my GLX offer, and approx. 25% for my efforts.)

If you got a team, come to Discord, post a screenshoot about your team, and play with us! We will start on Friday. So far 14-15 players. (Max. 50) And another dozen will play for sure. So, I suppose, it will be pretty good.

I think, prizes are really amazing. Packs' price picking up, that card for 1st place also the most expensive atm ($80-100). Also the GLX for each point. I suppose, it's much better than rewards will be after launch. All together, nearly $150 total prize pool.

Anyway, the p2e launch is near. They said in the Town Hall on Friday, a 'conservative' date should be end of November. So max. a month. As the 1st season will last till March, April (the rest will take 1 year), I also suppose, the rewards will be nice at the beginning, if you got team(s) ready for start.

Oh, I posted about the previous 3 Beta tourneys, what we did. And I posted the last Town Hall link, also listed, what changes, updates happened, what they haven't announced on Hive, only on Discord. (The youtube link works, just have to go to youbute to watch it.)

GL Goals Town Hall and updates from the last 3 months

I think, the 2nd tourney was the best so far, with 16 players:

GL Goals: 2nd Beta League and 1st Cup Results

in case, you are looking for casual matches for test vs. other players, you can find people on GLS Discord for that, too.