Hive, here are 10 things I don't hate about you.

“But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” - Kat Stratford

This is one of my favourite quotes from one of my all-time favourite movies, "10 Things I Hate About You" and it's what immediately sprung to mind when I read this week's questions in the QC community.

What do you love about Hive?
What do you like about Hive?
What would you like to change about Hive?

Just like Julia Stiles' character (Kat) who was actually in love with Patrick (played by the late Heath Ledger) but found herself trying to say that in a totally backwards way, here I am attempting to do the same with Hive.

So instead of telling you the things I "love", "like" and "would like to change" about Hive the conventional way, please accept all these answers in Kat/Julia style (pun intended 😂).

I give you, 10 things I don't hate about you, Hive:

  1. I don't hate that I get to write silly posts about all manner of things, on a really wide range of topics that interest me, that educate or entertain others or simply allow me to express myself and all my... uniqueness 😅

  2. I don't hate that I am meeting people from all sorts of weird, wild and different countries around the world that I've never been to and I may never get to in my lifetime and that I get to learn from this really wide range of experiences and perspectives 😍

  3. I don't hate that I'm learning new things every single day and that I never have a chance to get bored, ever 🙃

  4. I don't hate that now have friends in countries where I've either been to visit them or figure I can go visit them in the months and years to come 😄

  5. I don't hate that there are Hive Meetups happening in different parts of the world and that I can dream about one day getting to one or more of them and hugging some dear Hivers in real life 🤗

  6. I don't hate that I'm learning bits of coding and picking up other, very unexpected skills on this ever-evolving platform 🤓

  7. I don't hate #threads and tokens and all the other strange things that are popping up as we grow as a Hive collective and that I'd never heard of or thought of before joining this blockchain.

  8. I don't hate that I can now use some jargon that will make sense to you and will totally leave my friends outside of Hive flabbergasted 🤣

  9. I don't hate that I've grown immensely as a human being in the last 16 1/2 months and that I'm a lot more grateful for the life I have a result of reading about the lives of others 😌

  10. And I definitely don't hate that I'm making money in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways online that never even occurred to me 18 months ago, and that I only see incredible potential from here.

So, there you have it: the most unconventional post I've probably ever written in all the days I've been on here 😁 If you found this post amusing or in any way helpful, if I made you smile or roll your eyes 😝 then give it an upvote and reply to me in the comments.

What do you not hate about Hive?

Want to participate in this week's contest in the QC Community and answer these questions for yourself? Find all the details here.

And I found those awesome GIFs here and here.


That's a lot of things to not hate!

What's a three-season bed?
One without a spring.

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It is indeed 😊 !LOLZ back 😂

James Bond slept through an earthquake
He was shaken, not stirred.

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@treefrognada, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat

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Well let's say that there are enough things you don't hate so consequently there are also enough things you like about Hive... I think it's a good thing heh heh!

It seems so!! 😅😂🤣 !LOL
!LUV !!

Did you know that protons have mass?
I didn't even know they were catholic.

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@p1k4ppa10, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat

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Really unconventional but it's still very much... interesting and your style 😂. Good morning ☕

Haha. Thank you, I think. 😂 !LOL

I can always tell if someone is lying just by looking at them.
I can also tell if they’re standing.

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@deraaa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat

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What an unconventional, but extremely entertaining way to write about your love for Hive. It was really lovely to read and literally my thoughts exactly on my feelings about Hive. Nice one.❤️

Oh, awesome 😅 Thanks for saying so! I'm glad it was entertaining 😊 !LUV

I don't hate the fact that I love this post you wrote what you don't hate about hive haha😂

Bhahaha. GOLD!!! !LOL
Thanks for playing. 😁

Why did the king go to the dentist?
To get his teeth crowned.

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@glorydee, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat

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And I don't hate that I get to pass out random upvotes to really cool, witty, funny posts by people I don't even know yet, but I can assume will become part of my multi-faceted Hive experience!

Ha! Awesome 😎 Thanks. That was fun to read.
And nice to meet you, David. I'm Caroline, aka consciouscat.

Hey, nice to meet you too! Just looked at your recent posts. You know my sister was in Queenstown at the same as when you posted about it? Our parents live in NZ (on the north Island) and we just came back from visiting them.

Are you also an online educator? What do you teach? In my case it's languages, but I really would like to add sustainability related stuff soon.

Looking forward to other cool posts of yours!

Oh, cool!! We loved Queenstown, so much. And we're keen to go back and explore far more of NZ. 11 days is a mere start!

Yes, online educator is one way I describe my work. I teach people who give a shit about creating a new and better world for everyone how to do their life better.

So it looks like teaching them about Human Design (a profiling system based on birth data that still blows my mind almost nine years later) + trauma-informed tapping (similar to EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) + stuff that I do with my clients to help them understand themselves and their own patterns of behaviour better so they can create real, lasting change.

All of it is designed to further empower already fairly conscious people so more good people who want to do good things have more energy and power to do even more good things to help others and the planet.

Languages! I love learning languages. I just reinstalled Duolingo on my phone to restart my Japanese study. I was asked the other day, "Think ahead to ten years from now, what are you going to wish you'd done?"

Learn languages was the immediate answer I received from somewhere within me. So apparently it's pretty important to me and I have to stop putting it off. 🤣

Which languages do you teach, David?

Human design, trauma-informed tapping, and ETF... three things I need to look into, as all of them are completely new for me. But anything that helps people empower themselves and improve their own and each other's lives sounds like a much needed thing.

I teach English and German mostly, occasionally Spanish, and to those select few who are interested Hungarian. Compared to the first three, that one is super challenging and outside the Carpathian basin not very useful. Japanese on the other hand I found ridiculously easy, but living there for a year I got discouraged learning it when Japanese people were reluctant to speak with me in their language.

Are you fluent in multiple languages, David?

Hmm, I bet language learning is in your Human Design chart! !LOL (Occupational hazard: imagining people's birth charts in my head when I learn about them and their strengths 😂)

Bummer about the Japanese (people) not wanting to speak Japanese (language) with you when you were there. I'll take that into account when we go there. We are extremely unlikely to live there but we have a skiing holiday planned for next year so I'm hoping that a decent grasp of the basics and easy recognition of all hiragana and katakana will make it easier for me to navigate our way around the country.

Comic Sans walks into a pub
The bartender shouts Geto out of my pub! We don’t serve your type!

Credit: ifiwasfrank
@stortebeker, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat

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Well, in the four I mentioned I certainly am. Other than that I know some other languages, some just a few words, others a bit more. In Japanese I could have a very basic conversation, order food, ask for directions, talk about likes and dislikes, and stuff like that (at least 15 years ago when I lived in Japan), but being a learner, my interaction was always far from perfect, meaning not exactly clean. And that meant that whoever was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of my language practice was placed in this substandard interaction, making them very uncomfortable. I should add, though, that I happened to be living in the South of Nagano-ken (Shiojiri-shi, close to the lake Suwa), which was super traditional and conservative. Visiting Tokyo or even the skiing resorts in northern Nagano, this was less of a problem. So please don't let them discourage you!

Human Design Chart: Now you've gotten me curious! But in order to know my design chart, is the exact time of my birth needed? In my case the closest my mom can remember is "late afternoon-ish". That's why astrology has always been less captivating to me, never knowing my ascendance.

Loved it fam, you made me laugh a couple of times 😊

Thanks for joining our contest ♥️


I hate Russian dolls
they’re so full of themselves.

Credit: marshmellowman
@consciouscat, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @queercoin

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Oh, yay!! Well, I'm so glad ☺️😊😃

You're welcome 😁


WOW! Your post is great. Up to ten things you don't hate about hive. You have a great way of presenting your points.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks so much, Adaeze 🙏