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RE: QC Community Introduction and Rules [ENG/ESP]

in QC Community2 years ago

Reason I originally suggested this is when I first got the 10 free qcoin, I checked the community and saw your awesome contest and I even joined.

I got disappointed because as far as I remember, I joined the contest about the best friend, followed all the rules, I even bought 20 more qcoin to be included in the "priority list" for upvote then I neither got any upvote nor any extra queercoin so it occured to me that what I did is a waste of time.

But this addition makes me want to join the contests again and I hope to see your awesome ideas.


Oh yeah I remember, you were one of our winners in QC News#12 😉

And yep we vote in your posts like LOH 107 The Ghost of Confession, but we don't have that much HP so maybe that's why you don't see us 💔

This was the post I was referring to

But I thought you didn't vote. I thought you just left a comment. That was my bad.

See you in the next queercoin / qc community contest.

Awesome we'll be waiting to read your post 😉