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RE: 3 Things I've learned over the past years

in QC Community27 days ago

This is why we should live by our values and not by those of others. Remain true to what the Lord asks of you, for if you do that, you cannot go wrong. As for luck, a famous South African golfer by the name of Gary Player, once said... "The harder I practice, the luckier I get." Put another way... Those who put in the effort are most likely to be rewarded. If we position ourselves well and associate with people who are ethical and kind, we are less likely to be unlucky in life. If we live by solid values, we are less likely to make poor choices that lead to unlucky results.



Wow! The golfer spoke the truth, effort and luck goes hand in hand-this is another lesson entirely. We can't expect to be lucky without putting in effort and our circle determines our result

Thank You for sharing this lesson. I learned from it