Valuable lessons that have helped my life

in QC Community19 days ago

Greetings all!
Life is all about learning and we learn everyday. In the past few years I have learnt a lot, but today I will be sharing with you threw things that I learnt that have really shaped my life.

One of the things that I learnt that have helped me is resilience, one thing about this life is to accept the unexpected. Life throws a lot of challenges our way and we might feel the world has come to an end. I have come to realize that resilience does not mean that we should avoid the problem we are faced with it is about how we face them. The challenges I have faced over the past year taught me that whenever I fall down, I should pick myself up, dust myself and keep moving forward. Once I can get passed this challenge, I will definitely pass other challenges life throws at me.

Another thing I have learnt over the past year is self care. In today's world and as mother, it is really important for me to create a few hours to take care of myself, I have learnt that taking time for myself is not only necessary but deeply fulfilling. I learnt that whenever I take few minutes for myself, I become better equipped and I can handle things efficiently.

I also learnt the value of gratitude, we humans focus on what we lack rather than what we have. Having this sense of gratitude has been really helpful to me, everyday I make up and thank God for the blessings he has bestowed on me. I thank Him for the love of my family and friends, I thank Him for the beauty of this world, sometimes I just sit down and look at the weather for the day or maybe I'm taking a walk and see something beautiful which God created and I say, God I thank you. Being grateful has taught me to appreciate the small things around me.
image is mine.


Really liked it fam, specially this:

I learnt that whenever I take few minutes for myself, I become better equipped and I can handle things efficiently

It's so true, many people put aside taking care of themselves, thinking that the more they do the better, without realizing that it is not the quantity of things you do that matters but the quality of the things you do. And it is completely true, the better we are, the better our responses and the things we do will be.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
Some people don't know the benefits of self care.