 2 years ago  

It was probably decided that Bill Clinton would be the next President in the 1990s by a group of people in secret. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be President in 2016.

Wow, @joeyarnoldvn , Who are they a group of people in secret?😦

 2 years ago  

I am not sure exactly but I imagine they would include people like Bill Gates. They may include the Rothschild family. Well, I am not sure what Gates was doing in regards to globalism back in the 1990s. I would say Gates is involved in globalism now but I do not know how much he knew or how much he was doing back then. But there were other people at least. Some of the richest people on the planet usually are the ones who meet together to plan things and have been for centuries or longer and maybe not all the time but as often as they can.