04/08/2023 mobile photography

in CCH10 months ago

For quite some time now, I have been traveling and working in different parts of Malaysia, and I am getting a chance to see a lot of things along with new feelings in new places.

However, not every day anymore, I was getting up fresh in the morning and going to work. Suddenly, I noticed this. The scene in the morning is very beautiful. It's not nice to start if you take a day off. The scene on the side of the road when I came to the work site was very nice to me.

A cyber area in the Kalyanpur district of the capital of Malaysia, which many people call the royal area because most of the people in this area are millionaires or rich people. Doing what I have presented to you today.

Captured the photographs in my own mobile, hope you will like them.

Androidoppo A95
Camera4.71 Mm, f/1.0, (iso100)
LocationMalaysia 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾
Short by@aburihan

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