New Year's Eve Murmots💖

in CCHlast year

New Year's Eve Murmots💖
Here are my designs, ready to be embroidered, and they will be on sale now.
And then I'll show you the finished designs of these works.
In the meantime, you can't.
With these unusual kitties, I participated in the "Like a cat and a dog" contest in the Hood&Diz ☺ group.

And now I present them to you. They are made by my illustrations by Alyona Krasnokutskaya.

☃❄Нашли look like me? I look more like a cat wrapped in garland and getting ready for the holiday 😉 .
What do you look like?

"Behind the Christmas Tree."
Size 134x84 crosses.
Number of colors in the AMF - 31 + 5 blends
Stitches - cross, backstitch, French-knot work

Size 85х106 crosses
Number of colors AMF - 23 + 3 blend.
Stitches - cross, backstitch, french knotwork

Size 124h87 crosses
Number of colors AMF - 35 + 6 mixed colors
Stitches - cross, backstitch, french knots

"My Gifts".
Size 81х114 crosses
Number of colors AMF - 27 + 5 mixed colors
Stitches - cross, backstitch, french knot



