Terrible caterpillar

in CCHlast month

Hi friends how are you all and I am fine and I wish you good health.Today I am going to talk about a scary insect that I am very scared of.The insect was actually very scary.The insect I will name is caterpillar.These insects are usually more common in our country during summer and these insects can be seen in the leaves of various plants.Moreover, these caterpillars can be seen in the flowers or leaves of the crops grown in different fields in our country.They usually tear off the leaves and destroy the plant.When I saw the caterpillar I took some pictures with my mobile in different shapes to share with my hive community friends and the pictures are presented below.











It was a poisonous and dangerous insect and the color of the insect was red and black.The body of the bed bug is covered with a large amount of hairs that cover the body of the insect.When I came out of my house and wandered around a bit I found the caterpillar in the leaves of a creeper tree on the south side of my house and it was sleeping very quietly in the leaves.Even though the insect was harmless, I liked the caterpillar very much.If this caterpillar touches our body then the body starts itching for a long time and at one stage our body becomes swollen and very painful due to itching.

There is a kind of poison in the legs of the terrible caterpillar, which harms the human body even if it gets into the clothes of a person.Many times we see this kind of caterpillar among the leaves of different plants in our house which looks very scary.The caterpillar I'm talking about was actually a medium type and it didn't have that much power.So as long as I took the picture with my own mobile the insect did not move and I did not have much trouble taking the picture.However, no matter how beautiful these insects are, we all will never like them.No matter how good the insect looks, it is very harmful to our body.So we will all be careful from these terrible insects so that nothing is harmed. Thanks to all friends.