Photographing beautiful animals in nature is really fun

in CCH25 days ago

Hi Hivers friends

After successfully photographing very beautiful flies yesterday, today I am addicted to photographing beautiful animals again in the garden behind my house.

Because the weather today was very hot, it was a little difficult for me to look for unique animals here because they also like to hide behind the leaves.

After almost 15 minutes around the garden, I managed to find a brown grasshopper taking shelter behind shady sugarcane leaves.

Slowly I immediately took a photo, this grasshopper looks very beautiful and aesthetic when seen up close. This brown grasshopper looks so beautiful because it is standing on green sugar cane leaves, maybe if this grasshopper was standing on dry leaves I wouldn't recognize it.

I really like photographing these grasshoppers because they are very tame and not afraid of humans, especially as I don't want to get close to them.

The weather was getting hotter, this grasshopper started to move around to avoid the heat of the sun, so I casually took several beautiful pictures of this beautiful animal.

Looking at the standing position, this grasshopper seems to always be ready to jump and fly to another place if it feels threatened, but today this grasshopper looks very calm standing here.

Lately the weather where we are is very strange, like today the weather looks cloudy but the weather is very hot, this makes it very difficult for me to find animals in nature because they choose to hide.

Luckily today I found a grasshopper to share with all my friends here. Thank you friends who have visited my post, see you in the next post.

📷 PictureSmartphone
ModelSamsung Galaxy A33
CategoryMacro photography